27, 28, 29 July 2020
I Finally Got Rid of Those Pesky Drum Brakes: Just not the way that anyone would recommend... 27 July 2020: Waking up in the woods by yourself is always an interesting feeling. Firstly, you are never the first one up; all the woodland creatures and insects have been up since sunrise and are now making quite a racket. Secondly, you realize once again that you are very alone. Based on the location of other campsites and the complete lack of people I had seen on the trek out, it was likely that I was the only person for at least 5 miles in any direction. That doesn't sound that much in the age of 10 speed automatic transmissions and jetliners, but when you're on foot that distance represents 1-2 hours of walking, or much more if that fall you just took broke your ankle instead of just bruising your pride. Fun Fact: If Ken falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it, he still makes a (very loud) sound. So I packed up camp and started the 10 mile trek...